About me

I am physical oceanographer interested in the role of the ocean in climate variability, predictability and change. For my research, I use and develop a suite of ocean and coupled climate models mainly based on the GFDL/MOM model. My research spans a broad range of topics including

  • Southern Ocean physics and dynamics
  • Atlantic Ocean interannual to decadal variability
  • Pacific decadal variability
  • regional dynamics of the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean.

I obtained my PhD in physical oceanography at University of Southampton / National Oceanography Centre. I then moved to Princeton University / GFDL, NOAA and presently I am a Research Scientist in the Earth System Physics section of ICTP.

Since 2015, I coordinate the Earth System Physics Diploma Programme, where I teach Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Physics and Dynamics of the Ocean. I am also a member of the Academic Board of the PhD Program in Earth Science, Fluid Dynamics and Mathematics at the University of Trieste.

Since at ICTP, I co-organized around 20 Workshops and Schools both in Trieste and abroad, including Ecuador, India, Argentina, Turkey, Guatemala and Ghana.

Between 2018-2020 I served as co-Chair of the WCRP CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Regional Panel. Since 2021 I serve as Topical Editor for the EGU Journal Geoscientific Model Development (GMD).

This website contains my CV, a list of publications and a short summary of some of the projects that I am currently involved in. If you wish to know more or have any other questions, please contact me at rfarneti@ictp.it

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